Thursday, September 18, 2008

Faith in Barack Obama and Faith in me

Look....I am not one to push my political agenda on anyone. I will state my beliefs and I'm happy to discuss and even debate with those who have a different view point from me. I even dated a Republican once. haha I just feel so strongly these days about different "issues" that are being thrown around that I really should say something. I want to tell you why I support Barack Obama for the next President of the United States. Feel free to agree or disagree. I think I'm diplomatic enough to understand other points of view and even consider them.

First let me start by saying that this is not a decision that I have taken lightly. As an American I feel a duty to the future generations and every other country in the world to carefully consider my choice for President. It is not egotism that makes me say this. It is just a fact. The President of the United States is one of the most important and influential people in the whole world. With this great position there comes great responsibility. We are now in a situation in the world where we can stand idly by and continue to rely on other nations for our fuel sources (nations who by the way don't really like us) or where we can solve this problem on our own. Obama wants to put together a force to solve this problem in which we will be self sufficient within ten years. We have an opportunity to be a leader in the world for solving the environmental issues that will effect the WORLD or we can watch more and more glaciers melt and sit back and wait for the end as we continue to pollute.

There are many bad people in this world but there are also many good. We started something in the Middle East, and we have to finish it. But we need to do it responsibly and we need to let the people in Iraq make their own way. We are a great nation, we fought for our independence from England and we won. We made our Constitution we made our own laws and we didn't have much help from anyone. We have done many good things in Iraq, as well as some bad things, but it is time for us to bring our soldiers home. Of course we will have a presence there for many years to come. We are in the process of training Iraqi's to police their streets and to protect their country. I have heard some amazing stories from men and women who have served over there. I know that the media has not always told everything that is happening in the correct light but I strongly feel it is time for us to get out...responsibly.

I also seem to have a soft spot in my heart for diplomacy. (Weird I know) I believe its time that we practice a more diplomatic foreign policy. I think we need to work with other world leaders. We need to show that we are strong and humble. We owe it to ourselves to put past issues behind us and begin a new path. Its time for us to stop the double standards that we have practiced for years.

I am concerned that our country has gone down hill since we started putting so much focus and money in to Iraq. Our economy is in shambles and many families are not making it. I feel so blessed to be an American. I know that my life is a dream for most people in the world. This is knowledge that I do not take for granted. But I am saddened that people in this country who are paying taxes and struggling to make it have to choose between buying gas and paying for health insurance for their children. I do not think socialized medicine is the answer (Neither does Barack). But I do believe that all children in this country should have health insurance and I do believe that premiums and health care should be more affordable. For most of my adult life I have not had insurance. I've been health problems yet (knock on wood) but there are things I should have checked out but with no health insurance I can't even begin to think of paying for it.

I'm tired of politicians pointing fingers and placing the blame, it is OUR problem America. We elected them. We don't watch them. We don't call, we don't write. We have got to stop being so apathetic. WAKE the FUCK up! If you elect an official, watch what they do. If there is an issue you care about-write a letter. Get involved. We have so many wonderful people in this country that I truly think if we all just got a little more involved we could begin to heal the hearts of those suffering. I am not saying that I've done as much as I can. I've written a few letters but I haven't gotten around to volunteering in a long time. my point: I believe in Barack Obama. This man is truly a gift. He is our chance to make some real change in Washington. He will work with both parties to make the best America possibly. He inspires me to believe in change. He gives me a brighter outlook. He has great plans for this country. Read his website if you're interested to hear about those plans. You don't have to vote for Obama just because I am. But I beg of you to please study both candidates and really consider your decision, for it is not just the fate of our nation, but the fate of the world in your hands.

1 comment:

doug said...

Can I get a HELL yeah! :)