Sunday, August 10, 2008

In the Sprintime of his voodoo...and other confessions

I am ridiculously talk to strangers and tell jokes to little kids happy! I think this is what it must feel like to be in love. About a month ago I was talking to Reggie and I felt this weird swell in my heart. Its a little overwhelming but I am containing the happiness. Life is truly good. I feel so blessed. Its like after all of those horrible...horrible past relationships I have finally found a guy who will treat me the way I deserve. Last weekend he knew I was having a particularly rough day...and he made up tree jokes to tell me. (If you know know how much I love a good tree joke). I told him the other day that I've never been so happy...his response..."good! you deserve it!". I sure do love me some chocolate milk! Shout out to Heidi and Allison.

Although I still haven't sold my condo...I am looking on the bright side of life. There are some people in my life that think that I can only be happy on their terms...and boy are they wrong. I found a "self help" book that I was reading several years ago when I was trying to be happy on "their terms". As I flipped through the pages and read the notes I had written, I realized how sad I was back then. I think the two most important things in life are 1. to be true to yourself and 2. to find a person that loves the you that you love. (thank you Carrie Bradshaw). I'm thinking that maybe I should write a book. my confession....I've been following one of my friends by reading his blog on a weekly basis. I really love this friend and thought he hated me. I have loved hearing about all of the fun he is having in New York and all of the funny things he has to say. Well today as I was catching up with his week...I glanced to the right and saw a link to my blog. It was under a label "blogs I read". I can't tell you how happy this little thing made me.


Hiba said...

Well I read your blog every day. Even on days when you don't have a new post, I re-read the old ones because I'm awesome like that :p

doug said...

TREE JOKES! Golly, I love ya! And I love this Reggie cat for making you so happy. :)