Saturday, November 8, 2008

When Jessica Met John

Have you ever seen When Harry Met Sally? If not... then you should watch it immediately. It is one of my all time favorite movies. I know you hate Meg Ryan (Shannon, Heidi, Doug.. and possibly others of you) but this movie is so sweet and classic. Its a true romance story for our modern day. Almost every time I watch it I realize that my story with John has been similar to the movie. 

Although.... when we first met we liked each other, but I moved back to Utah. Well all those years that I spent in Utah John kept in touch with me. At first when I moved back he would just message me on yahoo occasionally. Then it progressed to several text messages a day. I let him take the lead on everything. I never called him and occasionally he would call me. That progressed to weekly calls... then daily. Then came all sorts of men in my life. BAD BAD BAD men! I dated some of the meanest meanies in the world. I'm really good at finding them. All through this John and I stayed in touch. He slowly became one of my best friends. We would spend several hours a night talking about all sorts of things. 

Then the fates turned and John and I were able to meet up in San Diego for July 4, 2007. We had a wonderful time. I really enjoyed being with him. John has always pushed me to believe in myself and to not give up on my dreams. By August I was sure that I was in love with John. I was driving down the street one day and it hit me. I was in love with him. Well it didn't take long for the distance between John and I to create some real problems. By February 2008 John was dating someone else. Well that didn't last long. She broke his heart... it was good for him though, so I didn't feel too bad. 

In May I met a wonderful man. I thought he was the love of my life. I'd never hit if off with someone so completely. Everything seemed so great. As most of my relationships it went to hell. Fast forward to October. I moved to New Jersey. Upon moving to Jersey I had a plane ticket to Charleston to visit Reggie. A few days of being here... I soon decided that I didn't want to go to Charleston. John encouraged me to go. He has been so supportive of all of my relationships (even though the whole time he was in love with me). I even cried about Reggie in John's arms. 

Well here I am today. John and I have been seeing each other. He's a great guy. He doesn't have a lot of experience in relationships... so I have to be patient with him and teach him. Impressively he is quite open to change. I don't know for sure what will happen with this.... as I never know. But I did mention to John my usual 3 month track record with men... he insured me that he won't be going anywhere anytime soon. 

I'm sitting here now watching When Harry Met Sally. It reminds me of me and John a lot. I kinda like him. I'll keep you posted. 


doug said...

You can add me to the hate-Meg-Ryan list. But move me to the top of the love-Jessica list!!

Heidi said...

I have never claimed to hating Meg Ryan. French Kiss is one of the best movies ever. I do hate Angelia Jolie though. just putting it out there...

Just Nicole said...

I knew it! :)

D and C said...

I will be waiting and listening and watching!! You deserve happiness Jess. Don't settle for less. I love you!!!! I think he might be your lobster...I really do, but if he isnt...I am going to kill him!